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New Poetry Up at decomP

Peter Slapnicher

The February issue of decomP has been posted with work by the following lovelies: Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz, Glen Binger, J. Bradley, Terra Brigando, Zachary C. Bush, David Erlewine, Ricky Garni, Molly Gaudry, Tai Dong Huai, Don Hucks, Jamie Iredell, Jac Jemc, Jason Jonker, Katy Keefe, Jonathan Kessler, Jamie Lin, D. C. Lynn, Anthony Madrid, Dennis Mahagin, David McLean, Jen Michalski, Zachary Moll, Erin Rakow, Robbie Q. Telfer, Jared Ward, and Scot Young.

It is really really ridiculously good-looking.  You should check it out.

Also: 11 days to AWP!