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Send Your Work to Little White Poetry Journal!

Peter Slapnicher

Youre not kidding, Mr. Ayers! Here's the deal:  I have the honor of guest-editing the 7th issue of Little White Poetry. If you don't know it, check it out here. Duh, where have you been?

Anyways, I'd like to read your work, like, ASAP, so send me some poems, please.  It's beautiful out and I want to read some poetry before I go on a bike ride, so now is even better than later.  Probably this very moment is the best time to send them, because I'm in a good mood and I will probably be delighted/ crushed-in-a-really-great-way by your poems because i am in said awesome mood, and then I will ruminate on your poems on my bike ride and think, 'Wow, that was really the best poem I've read since the sun last shined this brightly.  I should make sure other people get to read this poem."

Here's the rules, people:  send me any number of poems:  If you have a little bio, give me that, too.  If it's sunny where you are today, tell me what you're going to do about it.  Simultaneous submissions are fine fine fine. Previously unpublished though, please.  Payment is two contributor copies.

This is a project of Henry Chalise & disproductions, and will be designed by the lovely and talented Jennifer Patel.

Let's call it a two-week submission period.  Get your work in (well this afternoon, obviously) but by April 30th.