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Rejections 257 & 258 and a Chapbook!

Peter Slapnicher

The Georgia Review and The St. Petersburg Review don't want my stories. One of them took over a year-and-a-half to decide they didn't want my story, but I won't tell because they apologized. But who cares?  I have a chapbook called These Strangers She'd Invited In available for purchase from Greying Ghost Press for a mere $6.50.  It's full of the complete collection of the weird Russian stories I wrote a while back.  There are 85 copies of the chap, so if by some miracle they sell out at the website, let me know and I will ship one to you myself because I'll have a healthy handful to distribute at my leisure.

It looks like this:

If we were all as pretty as this book, well, we'd be better looking.