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Residency Acceptance and Waitlist

Jac Jemc

Afraid my spring was going to look like this to an outside eye. (I am all of these guys.)

Afraid my spring was going to look like this to an outside eye. (I am all of these guys.)

VCCA accepted me for a residency this spring! It might take a little finagling to make the timing work, but I'm super psyched!

UCross has put me on their alternates list. 

Let's take a running tally of residency application status so far for 2016 planning: 

3 Acceptances

4 Wait lists

2 Rejections

7 Not yet announced

I know I'm a maniac with the applications, but I wanted to make sure taking this time off in the spring ended up looking full and worthy on a resume because of said mania. 2016 is shaping up!