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Peter Slapnicher

Whoa.  I just received the most in-depth rejection I've ever seen from Segue.  I don't mean to be unappreciative because I'm honored that Eric took the time to write such a thorough explanation of why my essay was not right for them.  He took great care in illuminating all the different changes I could make so that it would be right for them.

I've decided I don't want to spend my time fixing it up Segue style.  I'm pretty happy with it as it now stands and it seems they'd prefer I made it into a more academic essay or try to transform it into some magical fiction.  No, thanks.  I got other work to do.  This was fun though. 

It's 520 original words!  I just plugged it into Word and that's what it told me!  I'm pretty sure the rejection was longer than the submission.  Awesome.  New unknown goal accomplished.