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Rejection 154

Peter Slapnicher

Mmm good.

I received a form rejection from Willow Springs today, which was actually nice because I think the last 3 submissions I have sent them, I've had to withdraw.

You should submit to Our Stories.  Our submission period closes on March 31st and we're pretty prompt right now, so you can probably expect a response in the next few days.  Not to mention the fact that with Our Stories you always get at least a paragraph of feedback, so there's a good chance you'll see how I dish out a rejection.

Also, you should come out on April Fool's Day to the 5th Anniversary Show of the Rec Room.  The theme is "Five Alive."  These fabulous people will be reading:

Idris Goodwin Nina Corwin Barbara Perry Dan Godston Jac Jemc Allison Gruber Miki Howald Sunny Byers Jacob Saenz Jacob Knabb Eric Elshtain Katie Hartsock Dave Digangi Nicolette Bond Erin Teegarden Matthias Regan John Beer Paula Varjack
Mary Hamilton
Pretty good, right?  8 PM. April 1st.  Black Rock Bar. 3614 N Damen.