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Rejection 160

Peter Slapnicher

I would like to be carried around by a man in a tux all day, too. There is a trend currently evidencing itself within my responses from editors.  I have lately been receiving very encouraging rejections, but no acceptances.

Here is the latest rejection from Quarterly West:  "Unfortunately this particular submission was not a right fit for Quarterly West, but we were very impressed by your writing. We hope that you will feel encouraged by this short note and send us something else."

This was the final submission of that fairy tale I rewrote and have griped about people not being open to ad nauseum. At least the last response it received before its hibernation period was an encouraging letter.

"Fair Trade" will sleep for a little while now in its comfy file folder, and perhaps emerge again if the literary groundhog sees his shadow some day.

Can you tell I have spring fever?